Support for Romanians from Ukraine
Marius Penteliuc
The first event we organized was a conference for the leaders of Romanian baptist churches in Cernauti,Ukraine in collaboration with pastor Pavel Grishka.
Alongside Dima Hrab,we organized a camp for Romanian kids from Ukraine. The camp took place in Rjavinti, Cernauti area.
There were over 200 kids in the camp and many were touched by the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Noua Sulita Church
Noua Sulita is a town situated near to the Romanian border. It has around 8.200 inhabitants(54%-ucrainians, 36%- romanians, 10% -russians).
The project of the church began in 1993 and it has not been finished. The church pastor is Valera Popov and it has 36 members.